Sunday, May 24, 2009

range week

Thank God for this week is my range shooting. Oh well, it was like just another shooting for me but i learn something far greater and far better than shooting.

Although i gotten a marksman during sec 2 of NPCC and having a higher rank of CI, doesnt mean i should be the best of the best. I have 6 frames of shoot and total of 300 bullets.

1st Frame: Marksman
2nd Frame: First Class
3rd Frame: Fail
4th Frame: Lowest of all (19/120)
5th Frame: Fail
6th Frame: Second Class

Through this shoot, i saw my posting and the choices for me to choose. A clearer view in life which im praying for a long time.

I learn something even important that God teaches me during my range is that im known as marksman in the past and is not about the past anymore, it is Now that is important. Such as remember the first Gospel shared, etc. Everyday is a New begining and what happen in the past had passed, Now what i can do for the Lord!! Thank God for important lesson learned. Thank God for safety and removing the fear i had. How often we spend time on something less important than to hear the saviour speak and how often we run the race on our own than to wait upon the Lord to lead us, for His way is higher than mine.

Have a blessed week!! Press on=)


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