Monday, February 9, 2009

Sometimes i wonder why;??

Sometimes i dont even know, if it was a spiritual attack
But when ever i have, and after i fell or failed
God will pick me up and throught His strength, He carried me
The devil would use many around me, adding and keep adding to my wound and It just hurt deep in my wound and down in my heart

Spiritual war happen around me, from another to another
After one giant, to another and keeping me tired.
Either through mouth or words, or even through action
It just keep me away from my Father in heaven

It just really tested me for my faith in the Lord, my God
It shaken me from deep inside to outside and outside all the way inside
Just keep falling and failing, it really make me afraid or fear
And making me weaker and weaker each time

He who create me, created this test for me, for i am always letting him down
He is wider than the sky, deeper than the sea, higher than the mountain
His over unending love, shower through me, carried me all the way
Only one who is about everything, is able to light the path

His love for the world, love for every single soul and pour unto me
No matter how strong i am, how firm i am, how encourage i am
I would only fail when i but forgotten about Him and i fall
For He is my strength, who lights up my path in the dark who accompany everyday

For the evil is trying to break us up and spoil the relationship with God
Even attacking me throught the ppl i know, and trying hard breaking me into pieces
Hurt came in again and everytime it happen, for the reason i do not know
Deep cut inside my heart that had to be heal and only the One and Only one

He that is with me always and is here everytime, together with me who live with me
Holy spirit is in me and face my trials and problem with me
Who pick me up when i fall, and heal my heart and strengthen me
My Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Thank God for the love that i first gave me, and first found me before i do


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