Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank Giving!!

Thank God for safe journey and for the food.
I missed out on prayer on fri because im late. Thank God for the new Ministry. Im trying out for it. Join us and help out to keep God House clean. Thank God for Ian who preach on
1) Are You Ready For 2009?? Ecclesiastes 6:1-3
No risk, no reward
2) Start Well, End Better!! Ecclesiastes 7:8
it is not how it START but END
A) Start with End in mind. Ecclesiastes 7:2, 4
Mirth is joy and pleasure
Pleasure stolen Christ
B) Be open to Rebuke Ecclesiastes 7:5-6
C) Seek wisdom from God Ecclesiastes 7:11-12, James 1:6
ask Wisdom from God
3) Dont let your crippler hold on you Ecclesiastes 7:10, John 5:6, 8-9
4) Re balanced Ecclesiastes 7:16-18

Thank God for all the Uth=D stay strong and keep close to Him, be a shining star for him and let today friday 2 Jan be the start and be ready for 2009. Praying for all the ppl i can remember and pray for me too. Let this year start well and end better.
Thank God for the ppl tat i spoke to. Thank God for the followship.
Thank God for marcus who arrange for a discussion on vibe and well guess i have to choose between dessert and serving. Been thinking for awhile and i prayed, i felt let to talk and share. Hmm, hopefully it will be a wise choice, continue praying for it.
Also praying for the new ministry to kick start and indeed by His strength and not mine.
Thank God for all those who always been faithful, continue to be faithful servant and God will bless you=) indeed he always...
Thank God that i have been reading the bible and trying to finish the bible by this year. Let God lead me way and my path and may i keep close and stay strong for the shower of love and blessing that he had given.
Thank God for the food and ray treat us for lunch. Its great. Thank God for a good time of fellowship with ray, dawn, hup guan, daniel, chris, russ and me. Thank God for the sharing from all of them. Thank God for the dessert. Its was nice but too bad my phone battery flat or else i will capture them and let u see but not taste=P Thank God for the journey home. Fall asleep soon after i got home. hehe, guess im tired.
Thank God for the dinner and my parent for the dinner outside. Its been a long time, i guess. We hardly had time for meals together just Thank God for it.
Waited for quite long, den four of us, 2 plate of rice... abit pathetic den when the first dish come den i tot only got one dish den i say so pathetic... hais=X lols, first one dunno call wad, look wired but got prawn. den the second is the fry chicken, abit salty den the last one is fry egg with duo fu... den later awhile order string ray den not very nice... hais, abit pickly anyway i just want Thank God for the food. When i start eating with rice and the dunno call wad with prawn, i tot tats all den i siad pathetic den i give thanks for the food if tats is all to eat. Just so thankful.
Hows your day too?? be please with wad you have=) and tml will be better=]
whatsoever you eat or drink, do it for the glory of God..


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