Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A lesson learn today

Something happen today

Wake up earlier than before, because
set my alarm at 09AM, then
Dreams was louder then the sound, so
I was awake at 10AM,

Baby hamsters was alone,
Scare for nothing then take them out
Are angry for dropping them, then
Feed them went 5cent bean sprout

Poor little boy was bored, and was all alone
Things must do just couldnt do, but den
I realise, im not in a mood
I went out to shop for things

The place is huge, yet i finish walking
All the shop was full with many thing, but den
Big brain cannot think, walk and walk
But dunno what to buy

At last, the shop have the things i want
Den my $50+ gone away, its oki for it is worth
I was not too hurry, i got into bus
Check out the recipe den i was wrong

Press the bell and 71cent fly away
One stop away was not long,
Walk until, i was angry
Dunno got pray along the way

Thank God my mouth was zip,
I take out and check again,
Blame me stupid for reading half way
Den i came back for nothing

Bus come liao yet i wait for another one
I then finish 1 chapter,
I was reading all the way,
Then im not a fast reader

Have my dinner and shower
Then i feed my hamster again
I was afraid when my phone rang
I saw number which i dislike

Then i dunno if im right
Pray to God and ask for help
I was worried for nothing
Then exchange for nothing

I was happy that God was there
Then i thankful to Him i own
What a day like today,
Thank God for He always here with me

I reflected upon myself,
I realise i was a clown,
Eyes without sight,
Now then i know the answer, why
Its alright for this is me,
A wise will keep the mouth shut for this is a lesson i have learn...
A fear will be removed for the Lord my God is alway with me...
Learn to use my eyes for God made me with, most important trust and depend on the Lord for He is your eyes


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