Sunday, February 1, 2009


Week before Feb

Street E, my parnter is jessie and we had a great time withnessing many who were Christian... my heart was encouraged by how many ppl from different courtry, ppl from different age, and it was the first time i ever been to street and met so many Christian... Thank God for wonderful time and was so encourage by how ppl know about Vibe and many ppl begin to know and slowly to feel about Vibe.
A great time of debrief as well and just so wonderful how we spend our time together... Had dinner at mos burger and den know about many ppl birthday... haha=)
and realise that tml which is Friday is Seto birthday!!~ Thank God, and planned out with Cat how to give him a surprized for Him...

Friday, was late for worship and Thank God everything was in His control. Helped out in Wedding preparation and kitchen crew was having a meeting and i was super hurgry and didnt have proper meal for the whole day from wake up till i slp in Ian house and bed time story and sleeping songs to make the children sleep... haha=) after they sleep, i walk out to bath and have quiet time on Yufei bed... it was cosy and comfortable!~ i fell asleep soon...

Next morning, Jeremy called to wake me up and reach there soon before Wedding started... It was the first wedding i attended in GLCC. Have a great time of fellowership as well... Thank God for all tat He had provided and give many strength as we are tired and things go well in cleaning up. After tat went to cat house to pia nian and do seto card and Thank God for the fun and laughter we had...

Long Sunday...=X i cant wait for the time to celebrate Seto birthday and after service and children and lunch, Having a great time with the pri 1 kids and together with Luzern sing I Believe!! Lester went to wisma to repair my phone and went to starbucks for drink and went to Holland Village shopping centre and setted down in toasted coffeestall... had 2 half boiled egg and 2 ka ya bread and ice milo and busy doing card and reading the bible. While waiting for Seto to find me and we together with ileen went to buy beads and while wasting more time for surprize for Seto, we went around to see where to eat and he decided to come clementi for dinner just because of me... lols, dont tell u wat happen... lols, everything is in God control and Seeing all that God work its really for Seto and Thank God for this bro=) super funny and great dinner, great surprize, great fellowership, great smile, great sourer each other, great laughter too=O thank God for all these time and wonderful day to celebrate and enjoy together...
Really enjoyed myself, nothing else but to give Thank!!!~

Really was in love, past present and furture... A Love from Heavenly Father and Son... Thank for the First love and from everyone single one!!~ love ya too=)


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