Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thank God!!

Taking things too lightly, or even taking things for granted??

Path doesnt always go so smoothly and so brightly for you to see, for you must know for one thing is that is someone who brighten the path together with you in your time of darkness=)

Thank God for today or even this few days, the Lord speak to me and really reflected in heart.
The Lord teaches this important lesson which i have learn, we must know that we came to earth with nothing and through His grace, He given us abundancely which we do not deserve. Many time we took for granted, He can give us and He can also take back. The Lord have bless me and keep blessing me. And there is nothing that i can do but to accept which i dont deserve.

Many times we took it for granted and when He take it back, we regreted!! The feeling is worst than when you didnt have it at all. And you start to hate yourself for that. Thank God who show mercy and thank God that He always answer our pray in His time and grace. Thank God for today, turst in Him and pray faithfully. He answer many pray and teaches me to pray. Thank God for even i met quite a few ppl today. I went to tecman today and spend very long inside. Haha. Thank God for his guidance in buying bible and stuff and i had a membership for free. After that i took a bus back home, while waiting for few ppl to reply saying i have a blender. thank God melody house have one. In the bus, i sat behide glenda and final know that its her, she alighted. So i called her. haha=) after that when im on my way to mrt to melody house, i met my daddi and chat awhile den got to go le. Thank God for such timing and planned everything out so smoothly. While walking, i meet oktanto after the mrt to aunty betty house. Haha. Got a good chat too and thank God for letting me meet them. After taking blender at aunty betty house, i went down and a moment i saw por walking toward anuty betty house. haha=) Thank God for letting me saw so many ppl just a short hour. Thank God for all this thing and for such a lovely day... im going to visit david with some youth.. haha=) and i will be seeing more ppl. Thank God for such a wonderful day. its only half of the story... anyway overall Thank God for Him. A great God i can depend totally on Him alone.

Remember once again, we must know that God provided all and if we misuse it, He have the right to take it away from us which only make you regret and sad so reflect upon yourself and ask God for His guidance.


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