Sunday, June 7, 2009

God Power!!

This week haven been a good and pleasant week, going thru up and down, neither mood was good nor bad... Having going thru a tough time and i know that i wasnt alone.

Begining to understand a deeper meaning of God give and take away. God give me my grand parent and last year, He take my grand mother away and i was very upset and really took it for granted. Often in time, we never realise time passes like thunder and we never know wad will happen the next second. And He slowly took away one by one from me, be it living or non living things. This week He took my grand father from me. I was rather sad but realise i take things too lightly. Upon feeling something isnt feeling well, i sms my sis if anything happen and couldnt reach me, call my OC. That one hour moment when i reach class, my OC announce and it was too sudden for me. Thank slowly show me why and i began to understand when God remove something in my life, He is molding and shaping me into a man that He want me to be. And not just that, He taught me something even more amazing is that He have something far important things to work and do. After everything, a cousin who is older than me and who doesnt interested in Christianity, ask me about christian stuff. Really thank God for working in her heart as i did ask and prayed for her very long ago and somehow God answer my pray and encouraged me. I thank God for all that He have done, for He know what is best for me.

Job 1:21 And he said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD."

Another lesson that i gain. Often time in life of challenge, struggle, trial or difficult moment, who do we seek and who can we depend?? How are we going to overcome or to take a step back?? Looking back on how much you have gone through, and knowing that someone have gone through even more of hard time and pain; sorrow and sadness. I thank God for all He have done for me and i know that i have Him and compare to other who doesnt know of the Saviour..... I thank God for all i have is Him and only Him alone. Jesus Christ Himself gone thru it all and what isit that our God cant do for you. For it is not you that are going through but with the Saviour.

Footprints In The Sand
You walked with me,
Footprints in the sand,
And helped me understand,
Where I'm going,

You walked with me,
When I was all alone,
With so much unknown,
Along the way,
Then I heard you say,

I promise you,
I'm always there,
When your heart is filled with sorrow,
And despair, I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand.

I see my life flash across the sky,
So many times have I been so afraid.
And just when I, have thought I lost my way,
You gave me strength to carry on,
That's when I heard you say,

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled
With sorrow and despair
And, I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand.

When I'm with you,
Well I know you've been there,
And I can feel you when you say,

I promise you (you)
I'm always there
When your heart is filled (when your heart)
With sadness and despair (and despair)
I'll carry you when you need a friend (need a friend)
You'll find my footprints in the sand. (I promise you)

Ohh. (I'm always there)

When your heart is full of
Sadness and despair, (and despair)
I'll carry you when you need a friend. (I'll carry you)
You'll find my footprints in the sand.


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