Sunday, February 22, 2009

This week been an exciting week,

It have been a long and fast week, keeping myself busy??
Things is getting inplace and tired... but it help me strengthen me each day
Seeing all things work out in God plan... How he make and create thing step by step
Watching and witnessing all happens, it just fill my heart
How even i get to know and was used by Him for im not worth for his use...
Getting love and getting to pray for many had been such a blessing to see Him work
Time is running each second by second but all i could is to wait for Him
Nothing will goes wrong in His plan... but things will goes wrong when
i go by my strength, how weak is man??
Life is about comparing but those who dun compare, God bless richly...
Often man like to compare and complain but who do tat lesser is much happier
Oh, what have we been doing?? same old things in life for tat only wat we could do??
Doing something much different each day and tat all glory go to Him...
Letting go and letting God control everything in my life,
and i need Him who strengthen me, without Him im nothing
How often man find love from?? finding happiness, finding things to fill up life or emptiness in heart?? Jesus can fill all and over shower and over flowing love...
A Love that no one can provide...
Im love by Him, yet sin is something hard to avoid and sin will keep coming unto you
For the Father who dislike sin and He make a way for everyone

I thank God for how he had teach me in His way and how he had show me
Life changes and knowing all that He had bless me and trial comes to strength me each time
Words cant cover everything
Only by your action
He did it all for us, Jesus came and die for us who save us from sin, death and hell
How often we come below Him??
Think about what Jesus had done for you?? take sometimes
Reflect upon yourself...


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