Tuesday, February 24, 2009

fishing day

Overnight Fishing

Happening man, went i saw the huge prawn tat ian caught... i nv seen such huge prawn before and i touch and feel different things that day, such as prawn, squid, big worm and sharp sharp things... haha=) the worst thing happen is getting bite during early dawn when im trying to sleep but i had the worst bite in my life... next happening thing is trying to break into private estate to use the toilet... den got caught lehx, when im inside of the toilet going out together with the one who caught me... haha=) Thank God tat nothing happen... lols, inside of the toilet is all old and rich man... so funny sia... other than tat the rest of the toilet was in the forest lor=) tat all for the happening things lor...

i learn quite abit in fishing tat time... great=) jeremy teach me how to tie hook and how to prepare rod (longer than me lehx) than cast to the sea... but no fish eat my bait... haha=) will caught one next time... fun and many things to learn...

there was quite many things to eat but hands was either dirty or busy fishing/ catching fish... one thing u cannot do is to drink water lor, otherwise u will need to find toilet... hehe=)

after the trip went to ian house to eat dinner... had duck rice, with duck, pork, fried osyter and carrot cake... lols, long time nv eat them le... really missed those food, been eating $2 rice with veg and meat... everyday same for lunch=(

after tat went home, 9plus i sleep, than 12plus i wake up, den go buy lunch and 3plus i went to sleep again den 6 wake up otherwise will be late for bs... lols... Thank God i went, bs has been a blessing to me. Thank God for the time spent with him, going through bible reading and 2months is going end le... feb is ending and im still in 2chronicles... hais...

tat all for my days and thank God for everything=) For without Him its all meaningless and all these wont happen... =)love ya and Good nitez!!


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