Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Wonder how my butterfly look like???

i love to keep caterpillar when i was young... it so cool to keep as pet after it become butterfly, i will let it go... my house there a plant which butterfly will lay their eggs there and so when it became brighter green and bigger, it catch my eye... on tue morning i saw it change from caterpillar to another stage and there 2?? so i went to spend time to cut the plant and keep this 2 which i haven give a name, into a container...

today is the second day for the darker colour of a cocoon. the first one to hatch is the green cocoon... i wonder when it will hatch and when will the plant grow?? i cutted about half of it and now it left the upper half which after the lower plant grow, i will need to cut the upper plant...

life its just like caterpillar and after knowing God and accept Him into our life, we changed to cocoon. and we sin no more after becoming butterfly... the leave is equal to sin. when it become butterfly it can choose to stop sinning...

i just love butterfly=) how does it look like?? let u know againXD


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