Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time flies like Lighting

Its been a long time and many advantures and excitment is going on...

Finally i have my POP and its time that i start my second training and a time together with GOD!!
Tml is my first day for second training where i have been posted and its another journey with God and a reason for me to be there. No idea and know nothing so i shall wait for Him... This year was great and many Goal and Plan in life... and i want to cast all to Him and depend only Him along and not lost focus but to turn to Him.

This month have been a challenging month and many trials but its all past. Thank God for seeing me throughout my BTM and indeed time flies.

Every moment together with my NS fren and specially with my buddy was something that i will never forget. Haha=) thank God for each and everyone of them... Although some truth should be hidden but God reveal to me and there is nothing i can do but to LOVE. Without His LOVE, i couldnt go through it and really thank God for all that He had done...

Blessed day=) and was late now... gtg sleep le... Good night God, and you(",)


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