Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blessed day

New posting training... Thank God for this huge challenge that im at now, where everything seem so hard but i know that everything is possible in you, Lord.

Today was a tough day, had 2.4km in the morning and was fairly bad... further more had a speacial and seem easy exercise and it all about endurance and wad more running 8km in the evening... it was kind of like giving up and i got it thru in the slow pace... there is another which is fast pace, well... its all about training and not just physically and mentally... im going thru it spiritually with Him too... im rather more concern in my walk and race with Him... there is many thing that i go thru is the same in walking close to Him and i believe it was all planned and His way is best when i surrender all to Him. Same go to the rest, nothing is too hard for Him... Praise God for He is my strength and my support forever and He is the best of the best... the both chinese song are like an encouragement to grow in Him even more and to walk close and many more... it is not about saying but showing and reflect the fruit of the Spirit...
Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, meekness, Temperance. Gal5:22-23

Everything seem hard but i know He will make a way for me to go thru it and it doesnt matter to anyone who look at me but God to look in my heart... For our God judge us by our heart and not others... Thank you, Lord. May your light shine bright in and thru me...

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. Ephesians 5:1 (NKJV)
Praise the Lord... i found my life verse and whatever i do i only want praises from God and Him alone.


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