Friday, March 6, 2009

new stages of butterfly!!~

thank God my cocoon turn into butterfly yesterday and today...

yeah, they are lovely, small yellow butterfly...
guess the leaf they ate is not much due to too many lousy leaf... haiz
anotherwise it will be a big butterfly...
Life is like butterfly....

Egg stage
when we come into this world, into our mother womb and growing inside each day and soon it become

Capterpillar stage
we sinned against God, the leaf is like sin which we can nv set apart from... and when we accept Christ into our life,

Cocoon stage
now we can set apart from sin, where we need not to eat the leaf. Holy spirit mold and shape us and change us from inside out

Butterfly stage
where we are made complete and flying to heaven to meet our Father

Isnt it as beautiful as a butterfly??
Life is joyful with God!!


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