Monday, March 2, 2009

Blessed First March Bday!!!


Yah, my LAST Blessed year of teen le!! ('' ,) argg... nvm its okay, im always a child of God!! =)

Thank God for March 1st, and the bell of church will rang every 1st march 1200!! im always after the bell because it last a minutes but Thank God for this year.
My last month before going to NS, wonder how was it... im extrem lazy!! and cant exercise till now, lols
My last month to meditate on the word of God and keep praying to Him, spending my time to Him with songs of praise. Thank God for He is always there for me, My all in all and everything to me. Nobody, no one can change the fact of my heavenly father, my saviour and the holy spirit lives in me. Thank God for you, Lord for how you first LOVE and first found me...

Every year, past so fast and to see that this year is my Last Teen, Thanks for all the
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALL THE WISHES!!! Thank God for everyone(" ,) Thank God for all the surprise and gift too, Thank God for many who make this LAST TEEN BIRTHDAY SURPRISE for me!! thank you=P it was also jia wen birthday... haha=)

It all happen like this... ...
while im reading The Link, some from behide suddenly push me and blind fold me. After tat walk all the way to take bus 156 which i couldnt see a thing... along the way i was been treated badly=( haha!! den came to a place to buy drink and where we sat down to wait for others... while walking, someone wetted me and it began to rain. When i was in the void deck, something seem wrong and again, i smell extrem bad and they untie me... i saw my clothes with many things on it, like food and stuff... Thank God it was raining... i went out to wash myself and they was playing among themself... lols, there are lester, alvin, daniel, james, mei shan, cheri, patricia, bernice, abigail, aunty annie, si qian, catherine and amelia... we went to james house and i bath and changed everything and look like james... because of the yellow top and the size suit me too... it was cool=) wahaha, before i sleep from 5pm - 6pm, we are all talking and chatting... i guess i was too tired, lols very ps also... and stay till very late, jeremy and eric came around 7pm, den we watch FIREPR()()F, its was great and how blessed the show was and it was with me now... a very touching love show=) Thank God for this show!! and soon after the show was like 11pm le... it was late and we went home after tat, taking 156 home with abigail and went all the way to clementi inter change. reach there about 0018 and the last bus is 0015. Thank God the bus was still there for me only=) heehee... really enjoy myself with all of them!! Thank God for everything, its all because of Him and all this would happen!!(=


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